Thursday, October 2, 2014

Words are life's magical GPS

I couldn't tell you where I first read this poem, but it moved me.This life, filled with its daily lessons, some good, some great, and some that completely change you, poems like this are just brilliant to me. The fact that someone writes words that move others so much, I think, is a precious gift, and wanted to share one of the millions of works I've read, so hopefully you are moved as well. 


At first, you will get all that you want— milk, sleep, softness, warmth, and love for nothing. 
Then, gradually, you will get to know  pain, fear, disgust, loneliness through your soft babyskin. 
For a long time, if you are a lucky one,  you will enjoy timeless fun—      
running, throwing, singing, skipping, and giggling in the dark 
games of hide and seek. For a long time, if you are a lucky one,
the worst you will suffer is broken  skin or bone, the fever of a cold and happy goosebumps. Then, precious heir, suddenly one day           
Time begins and you will want what you can’t always get—  lobster, French wine, down bed, cradling arms,  love for nothing. 
You will try to keep what can’t be saved—  joy, peace, content, and soft  babyskin. 
You will come down
the chronic fever, incurable, the weariness and chill of a broken promise, a frozen dream,            
and the thrill of a breakable heart.
Finally, my innocent descendant, you will learn to sing (if you’re an heir of mine) of pain, disgust, hate, and loneliness.
But you will not be afraid if you know all this and love someone—or two—for nothing. 
You will live, then, as well as can be expected  till your babyskin is tough as mine.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Zoey, You Are My Sunshine......

L@:]My beautiful granddaughter, Zoey, was born in April. I am so thankful for this amazing, bundle of sunshine,  that has stolen my heart from the moment she started moving in her mommys
belly. Then, I got to be there when Zoey took her first breath, and made her grand entrance, the day she was born. Holding her, rocking her, and just watching her sleep, made my heart want to burst. Its hard to believe that almost 26 years ago, I was blessed with my son, who is her daddy. That he was actually, smaller than her, and now he has his own baby girl. And he is no little guy any more. He is a 6' tall, almost 200 lb., man, that started as a little bundle, and stole my heart. Now, as I see him with her, I see the love shining through, and he understands when I talk about how precious he was, and is to me. These moments are what makes life so amazing.