L@:]Life is so crazy, I have people tell me that they are never
surprised by others, well, I am here to tell you, I am surprised
all the time. Sometimes it's good and sometimes, not so good. But, I believe that we all grow and change everyday. How you choose to
use that knowledge, makes us who we are. But what I want us all to
think about for one minute is, just because no one is there to
see you, or you are having a bad day and don't give a crap about the
other guy because you are pissed at the world, well, guess what? you
are not the only ONE that has bad days. Life is not fair, I have heard that for years, and I have been telling my son and daughter that for years. It's true, the world is a cruel place,
but that does not mean you have to be. You can be one of the kinder souls.
I know it's hard sometimes, we all struggle, but by at least trying to do
better than you normally would, will make you and the people around
you so much happier. Start out small, one day at time. Before you know it
you are the person you were meant to be, the person that makes others
smile when you walk in the room. You be the difference in your own day
and the people that are around you, you never know it may rub off. Before
you know it, you are having a good day, meeting new people, smiling and
laughing. Life is short, enjoy the ride.....